Elf on the shelf is always getting up to all kinds of mischief. In this post, you can find lots of examples of all kinds of silly of shenanigans. We scoured the web to find the funniest elf ideas that kids will be sure to love!
Are you new to having an elf at home in December? Be sure to check out our post: What is an elf on the shelf?
I need to get some hilarious of inspiration? Let’s go!
Funny Elf Ideas
Elf Chilling In The Fridge
if your kiddos can read, you could also put a little sign in there that says “just chilling!”

idea found here
Elf LOVES Toilet Paper
we don’t know why elves on the shelf like toilet paper, but it seems like a pretty common thing for them to get into. Perhaps it’s because everybody has toilet paper at home, and there are lots of fun and creative ways that you can use it.

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Elf Made A Fort
Elves are playful little creatures indeed. This idea is super simple, you just need to have some chairs that you can move around and a sheet that you can put over the top to make a cute little fort.
Notice how the elf in this picture is using a bulldog clip, clipped to the back of the chair to keep the fort in place.

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Elf Playing With The Copier
if you have a printer that has a scanner top, you can easily do this elf shenanigan. I don’t know if I would personally do a full color skin print it out, but even black and white would look pretty funny.

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Elf playing cops and robbers with action figures
if your kids have some action figures in their toy collection, you can easily use them to make a little scene where it looks like the action figures are playing good guys and bad guys with Elf. Use any kind of tape you have, including masking tape like shown here:

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Elves making a track for toy cars
this cute and funny elf idea is a fun one if you have little boys in your home who have a collection of toy cars. Just use masking tape to make two parallel lines as tracks around the floor in your house. Then line up the cars along with the elves on the track.

idea found here
Elf swing made out of a toilet paper tube
Having your elf swing up in the air is one of the good ways you can make sure that it’s not going to get accidentally touched. In this funny elf idea, they have made an elf swing using what looks like a shoe lace and a toilet paper tube. You might need to make your elf doll bendable before you can attempt this idea.

Check out more Elf On The Shelf Toilet Paper Ideas !
Elf Wrapped The Toilet In Christmas Wrapping Paper
This idea takes a little bit more effort on the parents part, but it’s sure to be one that the kids will always remember! I toilet wrapped up with Christmas wrapping paper will surely have them laughing and chuckling all day.

Elf Doing Bench Press With Marshmallows
Everybody knows that else favorite foods are candies – so it only makes sense that an elf where do use marshmallows as a barbell. You can make your elf do a little bench press using two marshmallows and a toothpick.

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Elf Writes A Message With Cereal
you can use any kind of small food item for this funny elf idea. Cheerios, Froot Loops, chocolate chips, Eminem’s, mini marshmallows, or any other type of tiny candies or snacks would work great.

idea found unknown
Elf Wrapped The Tree in TP
yes, another toilet paper related elf on the shelf shenanigans. This one is so easy and because it’s toilet paper it’s bound to be funny. Get it, “bound”?? Sorry!

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Elf Wresting With Toys
Not everybody has a miniature wrestling ring and action figures in their house, so think of what toys you DO have that your elf could interact with. If you have a doll house, Barbies, or even Legos, you could create some type of curious thing for your children to discover.

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Elf Playing Dress Up In Jewelry
elves love to play. It’s a fact. It’s also the reason why they are getting into all kinds of mischief!

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Elf Trapped In The China Cabinet
If you have some dishes on display that include clear glassware, you can try this goofy elf idea.

idea found here
Elf Playing Connect Four With A Doll
For this silly elf idea, just take out any board game you have that can be played by two kids at once, and arrange the pieces so it looks like the game has been in play. Pose your elf with a doll or stuffed animal.

idea found here
Elf Dumbbell
Another way you can make an elf dumbbell is using a plastic straw. Remember those?

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idea found iheartfaces.com

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idea found here, original image source unknown

idea found Katie Raines

idea found via Pinterest

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idea found via Pinterest

idea found via my friend Tara from Mum-ments

idea found via Pinterest

idea found via Living Locurto

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idea found via JenMcKen

idea found Little Bit Funky

idea found via Chubby Cheek Photography

idea found via pinterest

idea found via Flickr

idea found flicker

idea found via dirty diaper laundry

idea found via Pinterest

Idea found via East Coast Mommy

idea found via pinterest

Note: I do not claim ownership of the images in this post. These images all belong to their original owners. Image authors have been linked to when sources are available.
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