Can you touch elf on the shelf? As you know, the main rule about the elf on the shelf is that it should NOT be touched. If the elf is touched, it’ll lose it’s magic!
But sometimes accidents happen. And sometimes they aren’t so accidental.
In this post I’ll show you some really easy things you can do to solve the problem of “Uh oh, someone touched the elf on the shelf!”
Elf Touched Letter
Here is free letter for when the elf on the shelf is touched. If the elf gets touched, he or she will leave this letter out, which will explain the consequences of the touch and remind the kids that touching the elf is not allowed.
There are a few different letters your elf can put out, depending on if the family printer has ink or not! Click on the link under each image to download it as a PDF.
Letter 1 with Hollies
In this letter, the elf explains that when an elf gets touched, he or she has to go to the North Pole to rest and recover. And of course, to gain back its magic!

Letter 1 with border
Here’s the same letter, but with a different border that uses less ink. This one also looks better if you are using a black and white only printer or grayscale.

Letter 2 with Border
This letter explains that the elf loses its magic if it gets touched, and reminds the kids not to touch it!

Letter 2 with Hollies

Magic Fairy Dust
Here’s an easy and fun solution for when the elf is accidentally touched. Print out a magic fairy dust label and attach it to a small baggie of glitter. If you want to get really fancy you can put it in the mailbox so it looks like Santa sent it. Then simply sprinkle some of the glitter “fairy dust” on the elf and his magic will return.
Elf Potion
If you don’t have any glitter just lying around waiting to be used as fairy dust, try making a magic elf potion. To do this, all you need to do is get a jar or baggie and fill it with water. Then, print out your free elf potion label and tape it to the container of water. Boom, magic elf potion!
Elf Takes A Day Off
Sometimes if the elf is touched, giving him or her a day off can be enough to bring back the magic. Elf will go back to the North Pole at night and not return for 1 day.
Santa Sends A Replacement Elf
This is a good solution if you have a second elf that you’ve been waiting to present to the kids. Let’s say your main elf gets touched and loses his magic. Well, while he’s over at the North Pole in the Elf Hospital, Santa can send a replacement elf.
Surround Elf With Candy
Everyone knows elves love love love love LOVE candy! If you surround your elf with enough candy, he’ll eat it at night and all his magic will come back. Worth a try!
Write An Apology Letter
If elf was touched on purpose, it’s a good idea to let the child apologize by writing a letter to say they’re sorry. If the child can’t write yet, they could simply scribble something on the paper. Elf will know what it means and his magic will be back in no time.
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